Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Glittering jewel
In the clear morning Sky
dragonfly on wing

A Personal note: Today is my 65th birthday.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Guest Blogger -- Keeping it in the family.

Desperately needing help to get an occasional Haiku up on this site, I'll share one that I got from my son Chess.  I've only received a few Haiku from Chess, They all have been good. This one is a gem.  Thanks Chess for sharing. 

Chess's Autumn Haiku
Cool foggy mornings,
The leaves morphing into fire.
Small squirrels are busy

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Passion Flower

Until recently, I did not know that Haiku accompanied by images had a special name. -- Haiga.  

It climbs as a vine
reaching, in a fleeting bloom –
Purple Passion flower

New tendrils reaching 
Delicate threadlike petals
Momentary Passion Flower

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Tradition.

For a few years now, my wife and I have madeValentine's Day special by composing haiku for each other to enjoy.  No, not always a sentimental Valentine haiku, but those can show up from time to time, too.  Some haiku follow the traditional form and subject; others come from the heart.

Here is one of mine from today:

A curly leafed kale
replaces colorful blooms —
a winter garden

Off to a slow Start

Sorry for the dry spell.  Sometimes it just hits and the words do not flow.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Enduring Relationship with Monarch Butterflies

Last year (2010), we attempted to host monarch butterflies.  I obtained several 'Mexican Milkweed' plants from the local garden center.  Throughout the spring and summer we were delighted to have females deposit eggs on our milkweed.  We hatched two broods of caterpillars and watched several go to chrysalis, later to emerge as adults. (The photo below was a first flight of one of those emerging adults).  Now during the fall and winter we still get the occasional butterfly visitor and have had several caterpillars hatch. When we were expecting a frost, I moved the plants with caterpillars into my garage over night.  Today, I was rewarded with the appearance of one female that repeatedly visited what is left of our milkweed.

a milkweed endures
for repeated winter visits —
monarch butterfly
First Flight