Friday, January 7, 2011

My Enduring Relationship with Monarch Butterflies

Last year (2010), we attempted to host monarch butterflies.  I obtained several 'Mexican Milkweed' plants from the local garden center.  Throughout the spring and summer we were delighted to have females deposit eggs on our milkweed.  We hatched two broods of caterpillars and watched several go to chrysalis, later to emerge as adults. (The photo below was a first flight of one of those emerging adults).  Now during the fall and winter we still get the occasional butterfly visitor and have had several caterpillars hatch. When we were expecting a frost, I moved the plants with caterpillars into my garage over night.  Today, I was rewarded with the appearance of one female that repeatedly visited what is left of our milkweed.

a milkweed endures
for repeated winter visits —
monarch butterfly
First Flight

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